Thursday, February 4, 2010

Favorite Appliances: The Coffee Machine

You probably know by now that I do not function well without coffee, preferably two cups each morning. Fortunately, while coffee gets mixed reviews regarding health, I choose to believe it is good for me. It wakes me up, I drink it with nonfat milk, and I only have two a day (okay, sometimes an evening decaf).

All things in moderation.

It should not surprise you then that one of my favorite appliances is my DeLonghi Espresso EC155 machine.

DeLonghi Espresso EC155Over the last 25+ years, I have had 4 espresso machines. The last three have been DeLonghi. We run them two or three times per day until they die, so that is a pretty good track record! The DeLonghi won my heart with its small footprint. Not many of us have unlimited counter space and since this is used on a daily basis, size does matter (no pun intended).

Were we to buy our coffee at a coffee house, we would probably spend about $10 a day on our three coffees (DH has one). That's about $3,650 per year (excluding the cost of driving a mile to the coffee house, or 1,460 miles/year!).

Now, the DeLonghi cost me about $115 on eBay. If I calculate the cost of the coffee beans (purchased from a locally owned coffee house, so I'm supporting local businesses) and milk, the homemade lattes run about $1.02 each. That's a savings of $1,116.90 per year!

My $1 Latte Mug!An added plus: I actually like the homemade better than at the coffee house! It's nice not to have to run out to get my coffee in the morning AND I can actually have cup #1 WITH my breakfast.

So what could be better than an appliance that provides convenience, pleasure, and a substantial cost savings?

Interested in learning more about coffee? Check out WholeLatteLove . In addition to a cute name, it has some interesting reviews and articles about coffee! (And, as of this writing, they carry the EC155 for less than I paid for mine on eBay!)