Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Garden Decor from MyMothersGarden

MyMothersGarden on Etsy

I stumbled upon MyMothersGarden on Etsy over a year ago, but it wasn't prudent for me to indulge at the time, what with all the economic insecurity. But I've noticed things are starting to turn around...maybe I'm optimistic, but there you have it.

Anyway, I had been setting some mad money aside and decided to splurge it on garden pottery. I had been keeping an eye on the shop, waiting for the garden goddess face that spoke to me. Wouldn't you know it, but there she was! It was fate!

The garden goddess is actually a pocket planter, with a small planting space behind her face. I've always wanted one of those hanging burro succulents, but to tell you the truth, I don't know that I want to put any dirt in her!

Garden Decor by MyMothersGardenFor the shade garden, I chose these glowing blue mushrooms. I recently have had a running conversation on Twitter with artist, @RobinPedrero about Alice in Wonderland. I bought a Drink Me mug from her, so the mushrooms just seemed the next logical step. Because I don't know which is the shrinking side, however, I think I'll refrain from nibbling them!

MyMothersGarden Toad HouseFinally, since I'm rather fond of frogs (see my logo), I chose this toad house. Now, we don't have any toads here; not even any frogs, but I thought this might look nice in the garden and maybe even work as a sun cover for my drip irrigation controls (plastic+sun is not a good thing). I suspect that, over time, the snails will start to congregrate and I can then use the cover as a snail trap to attract and then dispose. Escargot, anyone?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Garden Plant Guarantee

I just ran across a receipt from the nursery. The receipt for six items was 10" long, but the separate 'Plant Guarantee & Return Policy' was 7" long!

"Plants 1 gallon or larger are guaranteed for 1 year except for seasonal and frost sensitive plants or plants killed or damaged by acts of Mother Nature."

This leaves a loophole.

You see, I love buying plants. The problem is I have a hard time getting around to planting them. My yard has, in the past, been littered by 1 gallon pots full of dead plants (okay six-packs and 4-inch pots, too).

Oh, I buy them with the best intentions. I would NEVER deliberately kill a plant. But when I get home, it's the height of afternoon and I don't want to fry. Then it starts to cool off, but I have to get dinner started. By the time it's all done, it's either dark, or I'm too pooped to plant. Next morning it's another round of "must do" chores and tasks...and the plant eventually dies.

Which leaves me with my new credo: I will NOT buy a plant for which the HOLE IS NOT ALREADY DUG!

No, I'm not going to take advantage of the nursery return loophole. I have to take responsibility for my own mistakes. I'll compost the dead plants, donate the empty pots to the local community garden, and stick to my promise, even if it means two trips to the nursery.

Oh, like THAT'D kill me! LOL